
Ennrael avatar

Pen Name : Ennrael

I'm a Narrative Designer passionate about creating stories of all kinds, including interactive ones. Besides storytelling, I enjoy doing 3D modeling, design research and working on the universe of Elode. Welcome to my portfolio :)



After 8 months, I was finally able to complete a secret goal I had set for myself: to do a remake of a Game Jam project and learn how to code in blueprint on UE5. You can find the remake here: Link to Nyx Karteria Itch.io page.


The challenge I set for myself:

  • Not reuse any of the Game Jam code.
  • Each day, I had to follow a lesson and progress on the game.
  • I had to reuse the assets from the Game Jam and only add a few ones if needed.


It wasn't easy to achieve, but I'm proud I made it. The only goal I couldn't accomplish was adding a French translation, but I plan to add it later as I plan to refocus on my other projects for now. I also updated my portfolio, simplifying it to make some of my works more visible, and I added a section for the games I've participated in or created.

10 September 2024 news


The past few months have been quite busy. I've joined AGEM as a volunteer in their communication team and became a member of East Games. I attended the Meet&Build in Belgium, an event for video game professionals which was a real delight; I had the opportunity to meet some amazing people. Based on some recommendations, I've updated my website to include my writings. Unfortunately, not many will be translated into English given the sheer amount of work it would entail.


On a side note, over the last months, I've been working with two artists on a visual novel, and we've also subscribed to World Anvil in anticipation of showcasing the Elode universe on which it will be based. Stay tuned for more news ;)

29 October 2023 news


I participated in the Belgium Kiss Game Jam 2023 with Shinza2D, in which we had to create a game in 48 hours. It was an incredible experience and we are very proud of our creation. Here is the link to play it: Helios Betrayal. Beware that we didn't have the time to check the balance of the last two levels and that it needs a controller :)

12 May 2023 news


✧ Got my Driver's licence at last! ✧ I also finished an illustration, a hairstyle mod and released another one, a Kuchisake facepaint for Raen.

12 April 2023 news
